To all the young and hairy petrol-swigging folk … Over R200K raised in just over 2 weeks … There is a slim chance you might see me do my dance of a thousand pink gins at Quaggafontein next year! It’s been a crazy two weeks since we launched our fundraising campaign and thanks so much to all of you who generously shared, donated or started planning a fundraiser.
Asking for support meant we also got asked a lot of questions … “Is Miss Nesbitt going to spend it all on frocks and unfeasibly large trousers?” and “Is it true you once used to be a member of parliament?” and I for one really appreciated all the tricky questions about why we’re asking for your support right now. The simple truth is that we’re fundraising to get to the other side of this pandemic and to be able to attempt to host an AfrikaBurn event in 2022.
We’ve got enough in the piggy bank to get us through June and then we’re at a point where we would likely just break even if we went into hibernation, and paid all our suppliers and met all our financial obligations like rent etc. But we don’t want that, right? Everyone at AfrikaBurn is doing their utmost to prevent us having to stop the great work that’s happening right now – we’ve got a few beautiful large scale artworks in development as well as Outreach projects, intern projects, land projects and lots of other creative shenanigans.

There’s no sitting around drinking LRP waiting for this whole dust storm to blow over at AfrikaBurn, we’re still changing lives for the better without a large gathering this year and it warmed my glow plugs when so many of you stepped up and donated or supported our fundraising campaign. Thank-you. It means a lot to me that you believe in this thing as much as I do.
Please keep spreading the word, arranging exotic cake sales and doing whatever you can to support AfrikaBurn. We’re all building a positive movement for change here, it was never going to be easy, we could never do it without each other.

Answers to your important questions:
1. No new frocks … You know we’re a ‘non-profit’ which means we have to be fully transparent and accountable for anything financial.
2. Yes. Free United Congress of the Karoo, Calvinia candidate, 1988.